Want to Invert Colors on Your Chromebook?

Have you ever wished you could how to invert colors on Chromebook to make the screen easier on your eyes, enhance accessibility, or just for a unique visual experience? Look no further! This guide will show you how to turn off inverted colors on Chromebook and explore different methods to achieve this effect.

Why Invert Chromebook Colours?

Key Point

Inverting colors, essentially swapping light and dark colors, can offer several benefits. It can:
Improve visual comfort: For users with light sensitivity or certain visual impairments, inverting colors can reduce glare and eye strain.
Enhance accessibility: By increasing contrast, inverted colors can make text and images easier to see for users with low vision.
Create a unique look: Some users simply prefer the aesthetics of inverted colors!

Beyond Aesthetics: The Diverse Reasons to Invert Chromebook Colours

Inverting Chromebook colours isn’t just about a cool visual twist. While some users enjoy the unique look, several compelling reasons can motivate you to flip the script on your display.

Accessibility Hero:

For individuals with visual impairments like light sensitivity or low vision, inverting colours can be a game-changer. By increasing the contrast between text and background, it makes elements easier to see, reducing eye strain and fatigue. This can be especially helpful for users with conditions like macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa.

Night Mode Ninja:

Dimming the lights and enjoying content before bed? Inverting colours creates a dark mode experience, reducing screen brightness and glare. This can improve sleep quality by suppressing melatonin production, the hormone responsible for the sleep-wake cycle. Studies suggest darker interfaces can benefit users with light sensitivity and migraines, too.

Focus Friend:

Struggling to concentrate amidst all the visual noise? Inverting colours can minimize distractions by making websites and apps appear less visually stimulating. This can be helpful for individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or those seeking a minimalist reading environment.

Beyond the Obvious:

The benefits of inverting colours extend beyond the typical categories. For instance, users with dyslexia sometimes report improved reading comprehension with inverted displays. Additionally, it can be helpful for individuals with photophobia, a sensitivity to light, or those recovering from eye surgery.

Ultimately, the reasons to invert Chromebook colours are as diverse as the users themselves. Experimenting with this feature can unlock accessibility benefits, visual comfort, and even a unique aesthetic experience. So, don’t hesitate to flip the script and see if the world of inverted colours works for you!

Remember: While inverting colours offers advantages, some websites and apps might not function optimally. Additionally, adjusting to the inverted world may take some time.

Methods to Invert Your Chromebook Display

Key Points

1. Built-in Accessibility Settings:
Chromebooks offer a built-in option called “High Contrast” mode. Here’s how to how to turn off inverted colors on Chromebook:
Open Settings.
Go to Advanced > Accessibility > Manage accessibility features.
Under Display, toggle Use high contrast mode on/off.
Note: This method inverts some, but not all, elements on your screen.

2. Chrome Extensions:
For finer control, consider Chrome extensions like Night Eye or Dark Reader. These offer various customization options, allowing you to invert specific website elements or adjust color intensity.

3. Android Apps (if applicable):
If your Chromebook supports Android apps, explore options like Color Invert or NightOwl. These apps provide comprehensive color inversion and customization options.

Built-in Accessibility Settings: Your One-Click Ticket to Inverted Chromebook Colors

Chromebooks come equipped with a built-in accessibility feature called “High Contrast” mode, offering a quick and convenient way to invert colors on your display. While not as customizable as extensions or apps, it’s a great starting point for many users.

Here’s what you need to know:

How It Works:

High Contrast mode essentially swaps light and dark colors on your screen, enhancing text and image contrast. While it doesn’t invert every element (e.g., images might not fully change), it provides a significant shift for most interface components.


  • Instant Accessibility: Turning on High Contrast mode takes just a few clicks, making it ideal for users who need quick adjustments due to light sensitivity or visual fatigue.
  • No Additional Downloads: This built-in feature eliminates the need to install extensions or apps, saving storage space and ensuring compatibility with your Chromebook.
  • Lightweight Performance: Unlike some extensions, High Contrast mode has minimal impact on your Chromebook’s performance, making it suitable for older or less powerful devices.


  • Limited Customization: Unlike extensions, you can’t fine-tune which elements get inverted with High Contrast mode.
  • Potential Incompatibilities: Certain websites or apps might not display correctly with High Contrast mode due to their specific design.
  • Not Fully Inverted: Not all visual elements on your screen will be inverted, so it might not be ideal for users with severe visual impairments.

Accessing High Contrast Mode:

  1. Open Settings on your Chromebook.
  2. Navigate to Advanced > Accessibility > Manage accessibility features.
  3. Under Display, toggle Use high contrast mode on/off.

Pro Tip: If you frequently use High Contrast mode, consider enabling the Always show accessibility options in the system menu setting under Accessibility in Settings. This allows you to quickly toggle High Contrast mode on/off directly from the system menu without navigating through settings.

Remember, High Contrast mode is just one option for inverting Chromebook colors. If you need more control or specific features, explore extensions and Android apps for tailored solutions.

Chrome Extensions: Fine-Tuning Your Chromebook Color Inversion Experience

While Chromebook’s built-in High Contrast mode offers a quick toggle for basic color inversion, Chrome extensions unlock a world of customization and enhanced control. Here’s how these extensions can elevate your experience:

Granular Control:

Go beyond the all-or-nothing approach of High Contrast. Extensions like Night Eye and Dark Reader let you selectively invert specific elements like text, background, or images. This ensures crucial information like text remains readable while reducing the overall brightness of the screen.

Customizable Color Palettes:

Not a fan of the stark black and white contrast? Many extensions offer pre-designed color themes or allow you to create your own custom palettes. This lets you choose color combinations that are not only visually appealing but also optimize visibility and comfort for your specific needs.

Scheduling Flexibility:

Want to automatically switch to inverted colors at night or during specific reading sessions? Extensions like f.lux and Twilight offer scheduling features based on time, sunrise/sunset, or even app usage. This automates the process and ensures optimal viewing conditions throughout the day.

Advanced Features:

Some extensions cater to specific use cases. Color Enhancer helps individuals with color vision deficiencies by adjusting specific color ranges for better differentiation. Chrominvert offers dyslexia-friendly fonts and background color options to improve reading comprehension.

Things to Consider:

  • Extension Performance: While most extensions are lightweight, remember they add an extra layer of processing. Choose extensions optimized for performance, especially on older Chromebooks.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the extension works with websites and apps you frequently use. Some websites might have built-in dark mode options that conflict with extensions.
  • Privacy Policies: Review the extension’s privacy policy before installing. Understand how it collects and uses your data, especially if you’re concerned about online privacy.

Popular Chrome Extensions for Color Inversion:

  • Night Eye: Feature-rich with selective inversion, custom themes, and scheduling.
  • Dark Reader: User-friendly interface, various themes, and whitelist functionality.
  • f.lux: Focuses on simulating natural light patterns for reduced eye strain at night.
  • Twilight: Similar to f.lux, with additional customization options.
  • Color Enhancer: Tailored for color vision deficiencies, adjusting specific color ranges.
  • Chrominvert: Designed for dyslexia-friendly reading, with font and background adjustments.

Explore these extensions and discover the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Remember, with Chrome extensions, your Chromebook color inversion experience becomes truly personalized and adaptable, optimizing both functionality and visual comfort.


Whether for accessibility, comfort, or aesthetics, inverting colors on your Chromebook is a straightforward process. Choose the method that best suits your needs and preferences. So, why not experiment and see if a world of inverted colors works for you?

Ahmed Nouman

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